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Active Shooter Programs Growing

One of Delaney Insurances and Compliance & Safety First's more exciting programs is the ALICE Active Shooter Response Program. Why is it has been proven to save lives.

I was personally and professionally trained at one of their sessions. It is very real in that you are placed in real life situations which are recreated with classrooms, active shooters and you are instructed to respond in the 'approved' manner .....which is typically a 'lockdown' situation......and if there is an active shooter on premises, you will most typically get shot and possibly killed. I know....I experienced it. You don't want to be on the other end of a gun barrel pointing at you....In our class of 35, 34 people were 'shot' most died and only one was not hit. Strangely enough, when the 'shooter' was asked why he didn't shoot the one person, he said he thought he had done so.

Then, you are placed in the same situation and instructed how to respond to effectively lower the chances of getting shot and/or killed. It really works.....magnificently so! It was amazing, powerful and generated incredible results for saving lives. In our first run, only 8 people in the same class were 'shot' with only one serious injury....and the 'shooter' was taken down.

More and more, private companies and public facilities are becoming more aware that the old teaching of how to respond or no response at all is not acceptable. The 'lockdown' procedure was established as a program to respond to drive by shootings.....not on premises active shooters....makes sense eh?

I have attached a good article on the subject of which you can read below.

See the article HERE.

If you your company, school or facility needs or desires to be properly trained on how to respond to an Active Shooter ....please contact Compliance & Safety First....our local authorized and certified ALICE Trainer.....909-481-7223 or email us at

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